- District
- District Departments
- Governing Board
- Staff Directory
- Public Notifications
- 2024-2025 Suicide Prevention Plan
- Bullying & Harassment Prevention
- Comprehensive Plan for Special Education
- Comprehensive School Safety Plan
- Discrimination & Harassment Based on Sex
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant
- Foster and Homeless Youth
- Healthy Schools Act
- Injury & Illness Prevention Program
- Inter-District Transfer Handbook
- Proposition 28
- Restraint & Seclusion Reports (AB 1466)
- SARC Reports
- Single Plan for School Achievement
- Title IX
- Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP)
- Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
- California Dept. of Ed.
- Shasta Co. Office of Ed.
- Site Council
- Community Engagement
When positions become available within our District, we post these opportunities to EdJoin.
Click here to see the current list we have. If you have any questions regarding the application process or need help, please contact the District Office at (530) 357-2134.